Online voting for associations.

Make your AGMs and elections more efficient and transparent.

An online voting system designed specifically for associations.

Conventional voting systems generally require significant human and financial resources to organise general meetings or elections. Thanks to our dedicated online voting platform, all the steps involved are simplified and secure.

My event

Monday, October 24 – 11 a.m.

Draft internal regulations
Changes to internal regulations
A paperless invitation platform

Association members attending the Annual General Meeting receive their invitation and all relevant documents by e-mail. They are authenticated by digital signature. They register and notify their presence (or give their proxy in case of absence) by electronic means.

Digital sign-off.

The organizer can check quorum and attendance in real time to adapt the event to the expected number of members or proxies. On arrival, participants identify themselves with a QR code and sign in digitally on a tablet.

Secure, bailiff-controlled electronic voting.

Simplify and make more reliable the voting of resolutions and elections. Votes can be cast online or by electronic voting machine. A secure voting area controlled by a bailiff.

Certified signature of powers of attorney.

Interactive and electronic voting since 1986

years of experience

Founded in 1986, our company revolutionized the French voting scene by introducing the first electronic voting system. As pioneers, we orchestrated the first CAC 40 shareholders’ meetings.


Thanks to our innovative technology and processes, we’ve equipped numerous organizations for training and general meetings with great reliability.


For over 30 years, our teams have supported a wide range of players at their Annual General Meetings, congresses and international conventions.

Ensure your quorum and make electronic voting reliable.

As non-profit organizations, associations are subject to certain obligations. While they are legally obliged to hold annual general meetings to report on their management, they have statutory freedom to determine their own deliberations. At a time when companies are undergoing accelerated digitization processes, more and more associations are opting for dematerialization to boost efficiency. i-Périclès offers a reliable and secure solution with an electronic voting system.

General Meetings: an essential part of associative life.

The law of July 1, 1901 governs the creation and operation of associations. Although the law stipulates that an association must make known all changes in its administration, it leaves its members complete freedom to define their own bylaws. In particular, they set out the conditions for the organization of general meetings: a time for information and deliberation that is essential to the smooth running of associative life.

Although the 1901 law does not define the frequency with which general meetings must be held, certain situations require a meeting of the association’s members:

Appointment or dismissal of one or more directors.

Exclusion of a member of the Association.

Review of the Articles of Association.

Approval of the annual accounts.

Acquisition of new assets or public utility status.

Decision to take legal action.

How do I organize a general meeting of an association?

The convocation of voters.

The association is responsible, through a person defined in the articles of association, for calling individual or collective meetings of all its members.

General Meetings must be convened, if possible, within 15 days of the scheduled date. It must specify the form of the meeting, the date, time and place, and the agenda. The author of the summons mentions his name and signs it.

A minimum number of participants.

For a general meeting to be validly held, it is necessary to check whether the association’s articles of association stipulate a quorum of participants, and whether this quorum has been reached. Minutes will be taken to confirm that all items on the agenda have been discussed. In addition, it will report on the nature of exchanges, the results of ballots and any technical problems.

Statutory voting procedures.

The bylaws also define the voting methods chosen (face-to-face, postal or hybrid) and the number of votes required for a valid vote. The various electronic voting methods are subject to RGPD compliance rules and must follow the CNIL’s security recommendations.

Setting up electronic voting within an association

Due to its age, the law of July 1, 1901 does not set out a framework for the dematerialization of voting within associations. As a result, and in view of the statutory freedom of associations, they are free to set up a conventional or electronic voting system. However, it is advisable to carry out some preliminary checks.

Compliance with statutory requirements

An association’s bylaws determine its eligibility processes. In other words, they specify the conditions for participation and the voting procedure. For example, some associations exclude from voting members who are not up to date with their subscriptions. Others allow only face-to-face or proxy voting. It should be noted that only postal voting is statutorily authorized for electronic voting.

Member information

As with any change within an organization, association members must be informed of the introduction of electronic voting. An internal communication will inform them of the reasons for this change, the date of the next ballot, the voting instructions according to the chosen tool, and the name of the person in charge of organizing the elections.

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